So I finished this top, Simplicity 2805, and I can't say I am too happy with it. Well I'm more unhappy with this picture......when did I turn into my Mother!? Maybe it's the fabric or the color or the style or I don't know what, but I'm thinking I look a little frumpy in this.
I will say the pattern was easy and I did learn something from this project. I noticed it gapping in the back of the right armhole, as I had been reading 'Fit for Real People' I remembered about the gapping from uneven shoulders and sure enough my right one is lower and slopes. This also caused the from where the vee crosses to gap open. Fix the right shoulder, fix the armhole and the front gap.
There was another problem with this top that had nothing to do with the pattern or fit. The fabric was flawed and I didn't even notice it until it was sewn together. The bright blue flowers faded across part of the fabric, and of course that part of the fabric ended up front smack dab in the middle of the top. You can see it a little in the picture. This is totally my mistake for not checking and paying attention.
So this little number will be put to use when I'm digging in the garden or washing the dogs. I'm not sure I will make another one.
Next I'm thinking about pants, I really need some summer pants. And I just got 'Pants for Real People' so I am anxious to try this fitting technique. Carolyn, at Diary of a Sewing Fanatic, was talking about her TNT (Tried and True) patterns (she really is creative!), and got me to thinking I need some, especially a pants one since that is what I mostly wear.
So that will be up next, but not until after the Super Bowl. I can't believe football is almost over!