Saturday, December 18, 2010

Fido Friday on Saturday

Getting Better Every Day..........

Ed had his first round of chemo this past Monday, his lymphoma is B cell, which is treatable.  He is doing good, eating and gaining weight (he was under 95lbs, down from 115lbs).  He did pick up a virus at the Vet similar to kennel cough.  The poor guy looked like a 6-year old with a runny nose.  But he seems to be getting over that AND hopefully has not passed it on to Lily.

We are very pleased with his progress.  He has 4 more chemo treatments, this Monday is Cytoxin, which is a baddie but we are hoping he tolerates it well.

Keeping our fingers crossed................................



  1. That is good news! I will continue to send positive thoughts your way.
